🎨 Adobe Reveals Massive AI Updates!

PLUS: This weeks most popular AI tools!

Happy Thursday AI Experts!

After hearing the buzz last week, Adobe is now rolling out some HUGE updates to its AI tool collection, including a much-enhanced Firefly model.

Design and creativity are about to change big time. Let's get into it…

In Today’s Overview:

📈 Trending: Quick list of this weeks most popular tools…

Most Exciting:  Elevenlabs announces AI voice dubbing!

💡 Training: Get ChatGPT to turn into Excel!

🧠 Breaking News:  Adobe’s game changing AI updates!

Read Time: 5 minutes

  1. Wearelearning-  AI makes learning fun and easy!

  2. Bluedothq- Google Meets recorder - backed by Google!

  3. ChatDB - AI data insights with natural language!

  4. Fill3D- Generates photorealistic images in seconds!

  5. Fliki- Video creation made easy with AI!

Source: ElevenLabs

The Buzz: ElevenLabs, a rising star in voice AI, just dropped a revolutionary AI Dubbing tool. Now, translation isn't just about words—it's about voice and emotion.

🔍 In-Depth:

  • AI Dubbing doesn’t just translate. It mirrors the audio or video into 20+ languages, all while capturing the essence and emotion of the original.

  • What's powering this? A blend of voice cloning, synthesis, and some top-notch text-processing tech, all home-grown by ElevenLabs.

  • Multitasking? Absolutely. It can juggle multiple speakers, easily telling apart voices from music or background noise.

  • Fun Fact: Spotify recently launched something similar, leaning on OpenAI’s Whisper technology.

🌏 Big Picture: Think of AI voice dubbing as a bridge—connecting cultures, stories, and ideas. With innovations like this, creators can chat with the world, no language barriers attached.

Here’s a prompt if you want to turn ChatGPT into an Excel guru. It will essentially act as an Excel table that you work on with prompts! It will respond with tables so you can easily copy paste it into your spreadsheet!

The Excel Prompt:

(Copy and paste this into ChatGPT 👇🏼)

"I want you to act as a text based excel. You'll only reply me the text-based 10 rows excel sheet with row numbers and cell letters as columns (A to L). First column header should be empty to reference row number. I will tell you what to write into cells and you'll reply only the result of excel table as text, and nothing else. Do not write explanations. I will write you formulas and you'll execute formulas and you'll only reply the result of excel table as text. First, reply me the empty sheet”

Source: Adobe

Big News! At Adobe MAX 2023, Adobe dropped some major AI updates and creative breakthroughs—think more lifelike image creation, 3 fresh AI models, and souped-up AI features for classics like Photoshop.

🔑 Quick Facts:

  • Adobe MAX 2023 isn't just another conference—it's the mega-event for creativity! This year, they showcased cutting-edge AI stuff, including three brand-new models from Adobe’s Firefly lineup, all geared towards crafting top-tier, safe-for-business content.

  • They've sprinkled over 100 AI-powered tricks across their famous Creative Cloud apps. Big names like Illustrator, Photoshop, and Lightroom? They got some serious upgrades.

  • Adobe Express isn't left out; it's packed with new AI magic: Generative Fill, Text to Template, and Translate. Whether you're a newbie or a pro, the creative process just got a whole lot smoother.

  • And, here's a cool bit: Content Credentials. Think of it as a digital "ingredients list" for AI-made content, showing off that yes, it's made by AI (so you know exactly what you're getting).

🤨 Why this matters: Adobe's moves highlight just how big a game-changer AI is for the creative scene. With these tools, both pros and rookies can up their game. Maybe now, I'll level up from drawing stick figures...

  • Meet Microsoft Fabric: A shiny new toolkit that gathers diverse healthcare info and seamlessly transforms it. It's about making medical data easy to digest and even easier to act on.

  • And it's not just about data wrangling. Fabric spins this info into actionable insights, offering a clear window into clinical research analytics.

    One thing's clear: AI's role in healthcare? It's only getting bigger and bolder.

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