🤖 AI Breakthrough In Cancer Detection!

PLUS: This weeks most popular tools❗

Happy Weekend AI Specialists!

Microsoft and Paige are working together on a new AI tool that might change the way we find and treat cancer in the future.

Can AI help us tackle one of the biggest challenges we face? Let's find out…

In Today’s Overview:

📈 Trending: Quick list of this weeks most popular tools…

Most Exciting: Claude release V2 paid model! ChatGPT in trouble?

💡 Training: The ultimate negotiation prompt…

🧠 Breaking News:  Microsoft & Paige's AI Partnership for Cancer Detection

Read Time: 5 minutes

  1. Pixiebrix- The ultimate ChatGPT automation chrome extension!

  2. Ideogram- The best AI image generator with accurate text!

  3. Mango SEO- Easily produce endless top-notch SEO content and auto-publish to over 1000 connected apps with a single click.

  4. Speak AI- Transform your language data into insights quickly and without coding.

  5. Retool AI - Allows you to create AI apps and workflows quickly and efficiently.

The Big News: Anthropic has rolled out a premium plan for their AI chatbot, Claude 2, aiming to compete directly with OpenAI's ChatGPT Plus.

What's in the Pro Plan?

  • More Usage: The Pro tier offers a massive 5x more usage compared to the free version.

  • Early Bird Special: Subscribers get early access to fresh features and priority access.

Why the Limit on Free Tier? Anthropic explained that the message limits on the free version are due to the high computing power Claude 2 requires.

Financial Forecast: Anthropic, started by former OpenAI team members, estimates they'll need a hefty $5 billion over the next two years. This is to keep up with their ambitious AI plans while competing with giants like OpenAI, AI21 Labs, and Cohere.

Our Perspective: Anthropic's Pro plan is a bold move in the large language model (LLM) market, directly challenging ChatGPT Plus with a similar price tag. However, with OpenAI already having a significant market presence, convincing users to either pay for both or switch entirely might be challenging.

Here’s a prompt if you want to improve your negotiation skills and achieve more deals!

The Negotiation Prompt:

(Copy and paste this into ChatGPT 👇🏼)

“I am [employee, business owner, prospective client, etc.], and you are [a hiring manager, business partner, etc.] negotiating a deal. I will state my position and make offers. You respond with counteroffers and concessions. Negotiate rationally to maximize mutual benefit."

Breaking News: Microsoft is teaming up with Paige to create the biggest AI tool that uses pictures to spot cancer.

Main Points:

  • This AI tool is being trained with a huge amount of data, looking at billions of pictures to spot both common and rare types of cancer.

  • Paige, which started as a part of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, already has an AI that helps doctors find breast, colon, and prostate cancers.

  • The goal of this project is to help doctors work faster and more accurately. But remember, this AI is here to help doctors, not take their place.

Why This Is Important:

  • Microsoft has been putting a lot of money into health-related AI projects this year. This is because AI has the potential to change the way we find and treat cancer for so many people around the world.

  • By using all the medical data available and Microsoft's powerful computers, we might be on the brink of some big discoveries that could change the world.

TIME magazine has just launched its TIME100AI list, highlighting the top individuals making waves in the world of artificial intelligence. These influential figures, aged between 18 and 76, are categorized into four groups: Leaders, Innovators, Shapers, and Thinkers. TIME's selection criteria focused on identifying the main connections and influential hubs steering the expansion of AI.

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