🤖 BIG: Apple Reveals AppleGPT Plan!

PLUS: This weeks most popular tools!

Happy Friday, AI Enthusiasts!

BIG announcements this week. Apple is finally joining the AI race!

Better late than never, I guess?

In Today’s Overview:

📈 Trending: Quick list of this weeks most popular tools

🛠️ Most Exciting: Deep dive into Microsoft Edge / Bing

💡 Training: Get ChatGPT to find business opportunities for you…

🧠 Breaking News: Apple’s been secretly working on AppleGPT

Read Time: 4 minutes

  1. CosmosAI creates, builds, and monitors your content through AI

  2. FlockSocial grows your Instagram with zero bots or spam

  3. Castmagic- Turns podcasts into high quality content!

  4. Beehiiv - Super easy to create newsletters that you can monetize!

  5. Invideo - Create AI videos from just text prompts…

I’ve been using this tool for the past few months and believe it's time to highlight one of my favorite AI-enhanced search engines—Microsoft Edge's Bing sidebar!

🔑 Key Features:

  • Answers questions: The Bing AI Chatbot can respond to your questions about anything, whether it's the weather, AI job vacancies, or even a great Carbonara recipe—it's a versatile assistant.

  • Summarizes articles: Quickly get the main points of articles by pasting the URL and letting the Bing AI Chatbot provide a summary—perfect for saving time.

  • Assists in writing content: Use the Bing AI Chatbot to help with writing tasks like blog posts, emails, and letters. Remember to add your personal touch for the best results!

💪 Challenge Yourself:

  • Test with challenging questions: Push the Bing AI Chatbot's understanding by asking complex queries, and see how well it handles them.

  • Summarize a difficult article: Give the Bing AI Chatbot a lengthy article with complex terminology to see how effectively it can summarize challenging content.

  • Writing assistance: When stuck on a writing project, use the Bing AI Chatbot for brainstorming ideas, but always remember to add your unique touch for a personal touch.

ChatGPT can be confusing, and knowing what to prompt can be a pain. That's why I focus on basic prompts that work & have real utility. Every week I will cover a new prompt that you can use to advance your career & turbocharge your productivity.

Today, we're spotlighting a prompt for aspiring entrepreneurs,

The Complete Business Opportunity Prompt:

(Copy and paste this into ChatGPT 👇🏼)

Analyze the current state of and its trends, challenges, and opportunities, including relevant data and statistics. Provide a list of key players and a short and long-term industry forecast, and explain any potential impact of current events or future developments”

Insider info suggests that Apple is getting ready to challenge OpenAI's top position in generative AI. They are creating their own tool, "Apple GPT."

🔑 Key Points:

  • The idea for "Apple GPT" comes from the success of ChatGPT, the fastest-growing app ever.

  • "Apple GPT" is based on models from a system called Ajax, which runs on Google Cloud.

  • Right now, only specific employees can use "Apple GPT" with their manager's approval.

  • Tim Cook says they won't release AI features until they are sure they're safe for users.

Why it matters: Apple joining the AI space could mean a better and more user-friendly AI interface compared to existing options (cough ChatGPT cough).

P.S. This announcement boosted Apple's stock value by a whopping $71B 💰.

Exciting news for internet entrepreneurs! Loom, the beloved screen recorder, has unveiled its latest AI feature, 'Auto Chapters,' through a Public Beta program. This innovative tool can identify the key points in recordings and automatically generate timestamped chapters.

Fable Studio's AI model, SHOW-1, which harnesses the capabilities of GPT-4, showcased its impressive storytelling skills by crafting an entire 22-minute South Park episode. All it needed to kickstart the creative process was a title, synopsis, and main events.

Tesla has initiated the production of its Dojo supercomputer, a crucial element in their self-driving strategy. This powerful supercomputer aims to accelerate and make neural net training for autonomous vehicles faster and more cost-effective.

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See you next time,

AI Daily Insights